Unraveling the Mystery of Jack the Ripper

Tarini walked the small distance from her school to the house thinking about the jack ripper case which was discussed in her theater class today. It started as a small discussion when Mrs. Anglia brought up the case as a matter of fact expecting the students to know, but was met with a stunned class who has never heard of the name before. What concerned Mrs. Anglia was how sheltered the school has made the kids, how ignorant they are about the happenings of the world, it isn't about knowing everything it is about being aware of these significant facts which has affected the society as a whole.

The theater class today made Tarini question her awareness about the society she's living in. One would never expect to be met with such harsh reality in the theater class at least but now the questions were seeping in, they were creating a small door for themselves to get in her head and planning to sit there until she sort them out and found the answers. The urge to know about all these gruesome crimes and to know the minds behind them, the thrill of decoding their reasons. She walked faster to reach home.

Growing up as a minority in UK in all honesty was hard for Tarini, and being the ignored one she knew how it felt when your case was left un-attended on the desk piling nothing but dust with passing time. Her dad had migrated to UK right after his marriage with her mom, her mom died two years after migrating in a small protest that happened in their town to support the Asians. The case was open and shut, they said it was a die-in, she was termed as a 'martyr'. The case was heavy on the family, with a daughter not even an year old Tarini's father did whatever he could and got his family to what they are now.

She walked in her house as raj ran to the foyer his little feet thumping against the wooden floor as he swirled around Tarini, his tongue hanging out. She gave raj his treat and sat with him for a while, then went up to her room opening her laptop as she started her research by the very case discussed today 'Jack the Ripper'.

The unknown person given the name Jack the Ripper, was a serial killer active in and around the Whitechapel district of London, England, in the year 1888. the criminal was addressed by quite a few name in different newspaper reports like- the Whitechapel Murderer and Leather Apron. the only pattern found was that all the five women attacked by Jack were Prostitutes who worked in the slums of East end of London.

The forensic report highlighted that the criminal did have anatomical or surgical knowledge. A pattern of slitting the throat and then mutilating the abdominal region was followed. The case caught a lot of media attention and after that a letter, the 'Dear Boss Letter' came into view which many argue might have been written by journalist to heighten the interest in the story. But then the 'From Hell Letter' was received by George Lusk who was the chairman of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, now this letter came with a preserved human kidney, purportedly taken from one of his victims.

Tarnin read along the lines taking in all the information, goosebumps erupting on her skin with the gruesome act executed by the man, she jumped up due to the sudden voice that called her out, while reading she hadn't noticed how quite it had gotten or maybe she was so absorbed by the case that she didn't even heard the voice of the front door opening and her dad coming in.

As Tarini sat at the dinner table with her dad and Eeshan her younger cousin who lived with hershe couldn't get some questions out of her mind. The similarity in the inflicting wound and the manner of doing it all was so same for all the five victims. So, What drove this person to do this? Why five people? Why five women? Why prostitutes? Why leave traces by killing all five bodies in the same pattern?

read the next chapter to see if Tarini can dismantle her thoughts and come to an understanding about this unknown 'Jack the Ripper'.

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here to just express myself through my writings.