the ship of These

there was this thought experiment that whether an object which has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object. the ship of theseus is a classical example of a paradox, it is a thought experiment that raises the question about the actuality of things and how we term something to its name. so, the ship of theseus makes us question majorly have two parts which are :

1) the planks of the theseus ship needed repair it was replaced part-by-part, upto a point where not a single part froom the original ship remained in anymore. is it then still the same ship?

2) if all the discarded parts were used to build another ship, which of the two if either is the real ship of theseus?

this paradox can be a great example of puzzle of material constitution, that is a a problem with determining the relationship between an object and the material that it is made out of.

so through the paradox we can see the creator is putting us in a position, he wants to know our thoughts, how we would interpret the ships, how we would see the ships and which ship according to us would be the real ship of theseus. these question retorts to the idea of extreme externalism which means that human tend to believe that what is true in our mind is true in the world. this puzzle deals with the confusion in human mind, which according to a great variety of scientist is the best way to learn about the human brain.

so the answer to this paradox in all honesty would depend on the person's perspective. according to some the ship is new the moment first plank was changed and according to some the ship will still be same after 100 years even if its parts are replaced.

so the perspective of the observer for the object is what matters how the observer sees the object and how he/she determines the significance of change in that object. so, ask yourself the question and see what your thought process is and which one does your mind think is the real ship of theseus.

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here to just express myself through my writings.