Our Reality

* How would you describe reality and how would others describe reality?

The idea of reality differs for everyone just like the idea of freedom, these are just some aspects which are termed according to our life experiences. We can't give a textbook answers to these terms, psychology is all about finding answers that would aptly describe oneself, which would obviously be different for everyone. The ideas for a certain terms differs for everyone, the way a follower of Islam would have different interpretation of Hinduism, similarly a homosexual person describing heterosexuality, or a psychology major describing English readings and literature.

The views of people would be varying according to the type of environment they were brought up in, and the type of issues they dealt with growing up. so the idea of having one single answer to a question is completely wrong in social science. So, this is a question worth asking that what do we hide when we talk about facts and rationality? when science talks about rational facts and logical explanation it is actually objectifying reality to say the 'truth'. This is the reason why we don't work with minor narratives, we like to see the popular narratives. The point of view of the minor narratives tells us something the majority wouldn't want to know so we neglect them, we don't let them shine.

There are so many voices we and up ignoring due to this reason. There is a social to every theory we have learned so far.

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here to just express myself through my writings.